Instructions for Oral Presentations

Instructions for Speakers

Thank you for presenting at IPVC 2023

This page is designed to prepare you for your Oral Presentation at IPVC 2023. Please visit the page regularly for updates on technical requirements, deadlines and general information.

Who are these guidelines for?

  • Invited speakers in Plenary and Workshop sessions.
  • Presenting authors of abstracts selected for Oral Presentation.

Please refer to the scientific programme for further details on your session type.

How to view your schedule?

The preliminary program at a glance can be viewed on the Conference’s website HERE.
To view your entire schedule, please access the general search and search for your last name.
All the sessions in which you are involved will appear, including the session title, date and time. Please make sure to check the online program regularly for updates as changes may occur.

As an Invited Speaker or Oral Presenter, you will need to:

Present your lecture or abstract onsite

Invited Speakers and Oral Presenters are expected to attend the Conference in person and present their lecture or abstract at the Conference venue in their allocated session. If you will not be able to travel to Washington, please contact the Conference Secretariat at as soon as possible.

Register for the Conference

A link was emailed to you with the registration instructions. Please refer to the email for further details. If you cannot find it, please check your spam box as well and contact us at as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: Abstract presenters who have not completed their registration or have not emailed the IPVC2023 Secretariat to confirm any possible special circumstances by March 2nd, 2023, will be removed from the scientific program.

Complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Filling the Conflict of Interest Form is mandatory in accordance with the CME/CPD compliance requirements. The Form was already sent out via email from the IPVC2023 Secretariat. If you have not yet received the form, please check your spam folder first, and email us at

Complete a Publication Consent Form

The Consent Form is completed online in your profile area and is mandatory for all presenters and moderators at the Conference. The IPVC 2023 Secretariat has already emailed you your login details and further instructions on completing the form. If you have not received the form yet, please check your spam folder first, and email us at

Submit short biography and photograph (headshot) for the interactive programme and virtual platform

Please submit a photo and short biography to allow the Conference attendees to get better acquainted with your professional background before attending your session. The upload of this information is completed online in your profile area. The IPVC 2023 Secretariat has already emailed you your login details and further instructions on completing the speaker profile. If you have not received this communication yet, please check your spam folder first, and email us at

Instructions for a Recorded Session

Please schedule a recording session through the link that you received via email.  If you have not received a scheduling link, please email the conference secretariat at

You can find Instructions on preparing for your recording session here.

PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines

PLEASE NOTE: In compliance with CME/CPD requirements all speakers and oral presenters are requested to disclose any conflicts of interest.

  • The first slide of your presentation must be your name and presentation title.
  • The second slide should be the disclosure slide. If you have nothing to disclose, please add “No Disclosures”. You can download a template HERE.
  • We recommend that you label all slides that include unpublished data with a title: “UNPUBLISHED DATA – DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE”.

Onsite Presentation Slides Upload

  • You can bring your slides to the Speakers’ Ready Room on a USB stick. The Speakers’ Ready Room location and hours will be posted here closer to the Conference.
  • You are asked to only use the Conference computers in the session halls for presentation purposes. The Conference will not be able to support lecture slides presented on personal computers.
  • Please note that your slides must be finalized and ready on the day of your session.
  • Please upload your presentation slides in the Speakers’ Ready Room as soon as you arrive at the venue in the morning and at least 2 hour before the start of the session.
  • If you combine video clips with PowerPoint, please make sure to test it in Speakers’ Ready Room during a coffee or lunch break prior to your session and at least 2 hours before the start of the session. In the Speakers’ Ready Room for your session, please check with the technician if the sound and picture from the video are transmitted well and repeat the test again during the break before your session in the session hall to avoid technical issues.

Presentation Layout and Ratio

  • Format: Your presentation should be prepared in .PPT or .PPTX format.
  • Ratio: Please note that the conference computers in the session Halls are supplied with Office 2019 (at least) and the native ratio of the projection on the screens in the Halls is 16:9. Click HERE for information on how to change the ratio to 16:9 in PowerPoint in order to avoid misplacement of text and pictures when presenting.
  • Presentation tips: For further tips and recommendations for your presentation, please click HERE.

Important for MAC users

To use MAC presentations on a PC compatible computer, please note that you need to prepare your presentation according to the instructions below, before taking it to the Speakers’ Ready Room:

  1. Convert it to PowerPoint or PDF.
  2. Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (Special characters might be changed to a default font on a PowerPoint-based PC).
  3. Insert the images as JPG. The following file types will NOT be visible on a PowerPoint based PC – TIF, PNG or PICT.

Promotional Toolkit

To promote your participation at IPVC 2023, please refer to our Promotional Toolkit page. In addition to the official PowerPoint template for your presentation, you will also find IPVC 2023 letterheads and more.

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