Abstract Submission & Guidelines

Abstract Submission & Guidelines

Abstract Submission Opens

Wednesday, March 19th, 2025

Abstract Submission Closes

Monday, May 12, 2025

Late-Breaking Submission Opens

June 30, 2025

Late-Breaking Submission Deadline

Monday, August 25th, 2025


All abstracts must be submitted via this webpage. Please note that the Conference Secretariat is not able to accept abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax or post.

  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Each abstract should not exceed 300 words.
  • The abstract title should not exceed 25 words.
  • The following structure must be followed when submitting an abstract:
    • Introduction
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions

Presentation Type

Please choose one of the following presentation types:

  • Poster
  • Poster Discussion (Short Oral)
  • Oral Presentation

The Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.


The submitting author should also be the author for correspondence. An individual may be the submitting author on any number of abstracts.

The presenting author may or may not be the submitting/corresponding author. An individual may be the presenting author on a maximum of 3 abstracts.

Commercial Independence Guidelines

The IPVS makes every effort to ensure the scientific program is free of commercial bias. As such, before submitting an abstract, please read the guidelines here.

 Notification for Peer Review Outcome

Notification of abstract acceptance or non-acceptance will be emailed to the person listed on the abstract as Presenting author.

Basic Information

  • Full first and family name(s) of submitting/corresponding author and all co-authors.
  • Affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), country.
  • Abstract title – The title is limited to 25 words in UPPER CASE (e.g. COMMON BLEEDING DISORDERS)
  • Abstract text – The text is limited to 300 words.
  • Abstract topic – Abstracts must be allocated to a specific topic for the Scientific Program. Please choose from the list of topics. 
  • Keywords – Please enter 1 to 3 keywords that define your abstract. The keywords must be in English and can include numbers.
  • Conflict of interest disclosure – Abstract submitter will be required to disclose any conflict of interest in the submission form.
  • Publication embargo – All abstracts will be published on the 1st day of the Conference (November 12, 2024)


  • Each abstract can contain up to three images (media files) and/or three tables. The maximum file size of each image or table is 700 KB.
  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • Original research and updated research are strongly recommended.
  • The submitting/corresponding author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submitting it to the Secretariat.
  • All notifications regarding abstract status, including notifications regarding abstract submission, abstract acceptance and scheduling, will be sent to the presenting author. The presenting author will be responsible for informing the other co-authors about the status of the abstract. Please refer to your abstract by abstract ID sent to you in the confirmation email, in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
  • The Committee will endeavor to schedule and allocate abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.
  • One of the abstract authors must attend the Conference and present the abstract to ensure that the abstract is included in the Scientific Program.
  • Only abstracts of presenting authors who have registered for the Conference and have paid the registration fee by the deadline will be scheduled for presentation.
  • The identity of the presenting author can be changed until the deadline.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling.
  • Upon submission, the submitting/corresponding author confirms that the abstract has been proofread and that all information is correct.

The submitting/corresponding author accepts that the content of the abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and that it will be published exactly as submitted.


During abstract submission you will be asked to confirm that you agree to the following:

  1. I confirm that I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and I am aware that it will be published as submitted.
  2. Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. Conference website, programs, other promotions, etc.)
  3. The Abstract Submitter warrants and represents that no part of the information and content that they provide (Hereafter: the “Content“) to IPVS 2025 Conference, International Papillomavirus Society, and Kenes Group (Hereafter: the “Organizers“), nor the publication of any such Content by the Organizers, on the internet or otherwise infringes any third party rights, including but not limited to privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.
  4. The Abstract Submitter grants the Organizers a copyright license to reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the text of the Content on a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive basis.
  5. I herewith confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the presenting author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The presenting author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract. The submitting author may request to be copied on the abstract correspondence.
  6. I understand that the presenting author must be a registered participant.
  7. The Organizers reserve the right to remove from publication and/or presentation an abstract that does not comply with the above.
  8. I understand that I must select a specific Topic and Sub-Topic for my abstract allocation. Although the Committee will work hard to honor this selection, this cannot be guaranteed. The Committee reserves the right to change the Topic or Sub-Topic under which the abstract was originally submitted.


If you have any questions, please contact us at ipvc_abstracts@kenes.com

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