
IPVS 2025 workshops will focus on this year’s theme,“Research toward the Global Elimination of HPV-Related Diseases and Cancers.” The meeting promises to be a platform for the reporting of cutting-edge, international, HPV and animal papillomavirus research. Workshops organized by leading scientists and key opinion leaders in their fields will provide an opportunity for delegates to hear “state-of-the-art” developments in basic science, public health, and clinical science.

Workshops will be run by and have speakers who are worldwide leaders in the field. They will provide a unique forum for education and discussion.

Although workshops stand alone as an educational and scientific activity, they are designed to provide the necessary scientific background to follow the main Conference, where the latest knowledge in research will be presented. For junior scientists, the workshops will help them to be educated on both the basics and cutting-edge knowledge of papillomavirus biology, epidemiology, and prevention and control of papillomavirus infections and diseases.

A dedicated early careers track will also provide the opportunity for young scientists to showcase their work and make connections. The workshops will provide an overview to non-experts on all papillomavirus (PV)-related topics, from basic science to global health impact.

IPVS 2025 workshops will be a unique way to connect across the fields, and attendees will enjoy PV research from different perspectives and participate in wider scientific discussions.

Thursday, October 23, 2025

Click on the sections below to learn more about the workshops. Please note the information might be subject to change.


08:00 – 09:30 GMT

Interdisciplinary Workshop: Epidemiology and Basic Science of HPV Infection and Related Diseases

Chair: Suzanne Garland (Australia)

Chair: Kate Cuschieri (UK)

Chair: Sheila Graham (UK)

Welcome remarks from Co-Chairs

Suzanne Garland, Kate Cuschieri & Sheila Graham

Global burden of HPV-related cancers and diseases.

Laia Bruni (Spain)

Basics of HPV genomics and immune response to HPV. 

Koenraad M Van Doorslaer (USA)

Overview of vaccine efficacy against multiple endpoints.

Deborah Jones-Watson (South Africa)

Overview of different approaches to cervical cancer screening in high, middle and low resource setting.

Chemtai Mungo (USA)

Discussion Panel led by co-chairs.




10:00 – 11:30 GMT

Basic Science Workshop 1: New insights into the HPV life cycle  

Chair: Alison McBride (USA)
Chair: Nagayasu Egawa (UK)

Chairs’ introduction

New insights into entry

Mario Schelhaas (Germany)

Signaling in the lifecycle

Andrew Macdonald (UK)


Frank Stubenrauch (Germany)

Late phases of the life cycle

Sheila Graham (UK)


13:10 – 14:40 GMT

Basic Science Workshop 2: Host response to infection

Chair: Cary Moody (USA)
Chair: Merilyn Hibma (New Zealand)

Chair Introduction

Early stages of immune response and host interactions in response to infection

Dohun Pyeon (USA)

Viral gene expression at different sites of infection

John Doorbar (UK)

The DNA damage response in HPV infection

Cary Moody (USA)

The epithelial immune response to virus infection

Merilyn Hibma (New Zealand)

14:45 – 15:45 GMT

Basic Science Workshop 3: New Technologies in the study of HPV biology and disease

Chair:Katerina Strati (Greece)

Chair Introduction

Single cell genomic approaches in HPV research

Susanne Wells (USA)

Mouse models for papillomavirus infection and carcinogenesis

Megan Spurgeon (USA)

Organoids for studying HPV-driven cancers.

Cindrilla Chumduri (Denmark)



10:00 – 11:30 GMT

Clinical Science Workshop 1: The 3 pillars of cervical cancer elimination: HPV vaccination, screening and treatment

Chair: Sarah Feldman (USA)

Chair: Rebecca Luckett (USA)

HPV Vaccination: can we reach WHO targets for vaccination:  Current challenges: Single dose vaccination- will it protect your patient and help expand coverage globally? 
Nelly Mugo (Kenya)

Transitioning to Molecular Based testing: where and how, including self-screening  
Nico Wentzensen (USA)

Management of HSIL in the HPV era
Maggie Cruikshank (UK)

Cervical Cancer eradication is possible: Debate *Interactive voting session.

Moderator: Sarah Feldman (USA)

Mark Einstein (USA): PRO

Sylvia De Sanjose (Spain): CON

13:10 – 14:40 GMT

Clinical Science Workshop 2: HPV: Updates

Chair: Barabara Moscicki (USA)

Chair: Omenge Orang’o (Kenya)

Latency Is this a new infection or an old one? Does it matter?
Patti Gravitt (USA)

Screening for Anal Cancer

Andreia Alburquerque (Portugal)

Oral pharyngeal Screening
Gypsyamber  D’Souza (USA)

Screening for HPV related cancers in women with HIV
Beth Stier (USA)

Medical Treatments for dysplasia-of the cervix, vagina, vulva and anus
Sarah Feldman (USA)


14:45 – 15:45 GMT

Clinical Science Workshop 3: Caring for the Patient

Chair: Maggie Cruikshank (UK)

Chair: Ida Ismail Pratt (UK)

Update on over the counter supplements-do they work?
Kimon Chatzitamatiou (Greece)

Patient Navigation: What is it, how can it help bring patients in for care.

Nancy Pena (USA)

Caring for the LGBTQ population  
Cristyn Davies (Australia)



10:00 – 11:30 GMT

Public Health Workshop 1: HPV natural history and related diseases

Chair: Anna Giuliano (USA)

Chair: Ana Cecilia Rodriguez (Costa Rica)

Chair introduction to PH Workshop

HPV natural history in women

Barbara Moscicki (USA)

HPV natural history in men

Richard Gilson (UK)

RRP and HPV natural history in early childhood

Shazia Peer (South Africa)

Changing HPV epidemiology – prevention and early detection of HPV-related head and neck cancer

Tim Waterboer (Germany)

Panel Discussion with Q&A

13:10 – 14:40 GMT

Public Health Workshop 2: Prevention of HPV-related diseases

Chair: Talía Malagón (Canada)

Chair: Chemtai Mungo (USA)

Deep dive vaccine effectiveness, and duration of protection in women and men across multiple anatomic sites

Joakim Dillner (Sweden)

Global HPV vaccine uptake – countries with national programs, n and % females, males vaccinated by country income level, age group, etc.

Paul Bloem (Switzerland)

Cost-effectiveness/Modelling:vaccination and screening strategies

Kate Simms (Australia)

Alternative dose/1 dose HPV vaccination strategies

Susanne Kjaer (Denmark)

Vaccine hesitancy, how to build vaccine confidence

Yvonne Morrissey (Ireland)

Panel Discussion with Q&A

14:45 – 15:45 GMT

Public Health Workshop 3: The Path to Cervical Cancer Elimination

Chair: Yin Ling Woo (Malaysia)

Chair: Sharon Hanley (UK)

Introduction by Chairs

Vaccine implementation issues. Methods to overcome barriers.

Cathy Ndiaye (Senegal)

Cervical cancer screening implementation issues. Methods to overcome barriers, including self-sampling, etc.

Jeniffer Smith (USA)

Screen and Treat and HPV Testing: New Horizons

Andrew Valley (Australia)

Panel Discussion with Q&A

Please note that the workshops for IPVC 2024 are included in the conference fee. No additional fee or pre-registration is required. 

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