Session Format Details

The session formats, anticipated presentation lengths, and remaining time for Q&A are outlined below. Please note your session format and whether a formal presentation (PowerPoint) is involved and plan appropriately.

Please note that at the start of each session, there will be a brief introduction to the session by the chairs and each speaker will be introduced at the beginning of their talk.


Session type Duration of session (min) Presentation length (min) Q&A
Opening and Closing Ceremonies 60 N/A N/A
Plenary Session 90 20 20
Interdisciplinary, Basic, Clinical & Public Health Scientific Workshops 60 or 90 15 20
Oral Abstract Session with 6 Speakers 90 10 3-5
Oral Abstract Session with 4 Speakers 60 10 3-5
Debate Session with 4 debates 90 5 pro/ 5 con 5
Head and Neck Cancers Symposium 60 or 90 15-20
E-poster Presenter Happy Hour 60 3 3

Plenary session: After a brief introduction from the session chairs, each speaker will present in turn, with a 20-minute time limit. Adhering to this time limit is crucial for smooth transitions. Once all three presentations are completed, the remaining time will be reserved for a moderated discussion between the speakers and the audience, concluding with key takeaways shared by the session chairs.

Interdisciplinary, Basic, Clinical and Public Health scientific workshops:  Following a brief introduction by the session chairs, each speaker will present sequentially with a limit of 15 minutes.  It is important that each speaker stay within their allotted time to ensure smooth transitions.  After the three presentations, the remaining time will be dedicated to a moderated discussion among the speakers and audience and will conclude with key takeaways from the session chairs.

Oral Abstract Session: The session chairs will begin with a brief introduction, after which each abstract presenter will have 10 minutes to present their work. It is crucial to stick to this time limit to ensure smooth transitions. Following each presentation, there will be a 3-minute Q&A session, after which the moderator will introduce the next speaker, continuing the same format throughout.

Debate Session: 4 different pro/con debates. After a brief introduction by the session chairs, the first pro/con debate will begin. Each speaker will present their opening arguments, with a 5-minute time limit. Adhering to this time limit is essential to ensure smooth transitions between speakers.  The remaining time will be devoted to a moderated discussion between the speakers and the audience, concluding with key takeaways shared by the session chairs.

**The slides for the 5-minute presentation should be shared prior to the meeting to allow preparation of the rebuttal.

Head and Neck Cancers Symposium: Following a brief introduction by the session chairs, each speaker will present sequentially with a limit of 15-20 minutes (60-minute symposium – 15 minutes presentation length, 90-minute symposium – 20 minutes presentation). After the presentations, the remaining time will be dedicated to a moderated panel discussion (60-minute symposia) or a debate (90-minute symposium) among the speakers.

E-poster Presenter Happy Hour: Join us for an exciting and dynamic session where three groups, each representing a different scientific discipline—basic science, clinical science, and public health—will present their work. Each group will showcase 8 abstracts, with each presenter given 3 minutes to present followed by 3 minutes for Q&A. Enjoy light refreshments in a relaxed environment, perfect for networking and exchanging ideas across these diverse fields of research. This is a great opportunity to explore a variety of studies while connecting with fellow scientists in a casual setting.

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