The Special Interest Satellite Symposium
Proposal Submission is Open!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Symposium Proposal Submission Opens
Monday, March 17, 2025
Symposium Proposal Submission Deadline
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Symposium Proposal Notifications
All proposals will undergo a consistent and meticulous review by the Scientific committee when being considered for a session in the scientific program.
We are organizing the scientific program for the upcoming 37th Annual Conference of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS 2025) and welcome proposals for Special Interest Satellite Symposia.
Special Interest Satellite Symposia (SISS) are designed to dive deep into specific HPV-related topics, providing a platform for expert presentations and interactive discussions that engage the audience.
Further, they provide the opportunity for IPVS members to shape the conference content.
Special Interest Satellite Symposia are changing!
What’s new for the IPVS Conference in 2025:
• Only in person Special Interest Satellite Symposia will be available
• Interdisciplinary symposia are highly encouraged
• Any HPV-related topic is welcomed
• Submission not by category, but by using 3-5 keywords
The IPVS welcomes your suggestions for special interest satellite symposia for the IPVS Conference in 2025.
Practical information:
Special Interest Satellite Symposia need to be comprised of presentations that are distinct from what would be submitted through the regular abstract review process. Ensure the content is thought provoking to encourage discussion during the symposia and beyond.
Following the deadline, there will be a review process, and the Scientific Committee will choose which sessions to include as part of the scientific program.
The Nominator of the satellite should ensure that proposed chairs and speakers are agreeable and available to participate in principle although it should also be made clear that, until review and assessment by the IPVS committee, no proposals will be guaranteed a session given only a finite number of slots are available. These are highly competitive, with usually fewer than 10% being selected for presentation at the conference. Only the Nominator will receive a notification on the results of his submission.
For more information and to submit your Proposal for a Special Interest Satellite Symposium please click the link here.
The deadline for submission is Monday, March 17th, 2025.
Presenting authors’ contact details:
o Full Name(s)
o E-mail address
o Affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), country
o Telephone number
- All proposals must be submitted in English by the deadline through the online system.
- Title: must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words.
- Brief session description: 250 words maximum. Please explain the educational intention and purpose of the session.
- 2 Chairs and 3-5 Speakers per session.
- Please consider including speakers in an early career-stage.
- Speakers and chairs should be informed for the submitted proposal. They need to be aware that a review will follow and a notification with the Scientific Committee decision.
- Sessions are 60 or 90 minutes in length. Plenty of time should be devoted to discussion and interaction.
- Different formats for session proposals are encouraged.
- The submission form allows you to store your proposal as a DRAFT until the deadline. After the deadline if not submitted, drafts will be deleted.
- Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to submit your proposal. Changes will not be possible to your proposal after it is submitted.
- You will receive a proposal ID number via email after you have submitted your proposal. Please refer to this proposal number in all correspondence regarding the proposal.
- Please contact us if you have not received confirmation that your proposal has been submitted.
- Please do not submit multiple copies of the same proposal.
- Only the Submitter will receive notification of the final Scientific Committee decision and is responsible for communicating the result to all other Chairs and Speakers.
- All Chairs and Speakers from the accepted proposals must be a registered participant for IPVS 2025.
- The Organizers and the IPVS will not cover any registration fees, accommodation or travel expenses for Special Satellite Symposium Sessions’ Chairs and Speakers.
- To benefit from reduced registration rates, you must be in good standing for paid IPVS membership during the Conference. For more information, please go to the IPVS website.