Abstract Topics
Basic Science
- Taxonomy
- Animal Models and Papillomaviruses
- Immunology
- Regulation of Gene Expression, Post-transcriptional Modification
- Transformation and Carcinogenesis
- Structural Biology
- Virus – Host Interactions
- Virus Life Cycle
- Genomics of HPV-Associated Disease
- Papillomavirus Vaccines: Basic Science aspects
- Beta and Gamma Cutaneous HPV Infection, Biology, and Natural History
- Microbiome
Clinical Science
- Cervical precancers and cancers: Diagnosis, Decision making and follow up
- Anal HPV associated precancers and cancers: Diagnosis, decision making and follow up
- HPV associated anogenital cancers other than cervix (penile, vaginal, vulvar precancers and cancers): Diagnosis, decision making and follow up
- Treatment of cervical, anal, vulvar, and penilel pre-cancer and cancer
- HPV associated Oral cancers and precancers: Diagnosois, Management and treatment
- Diagnosis and management of HPV disease in special populations (immunosuppressed, PLHIV, gender and non-binary communities, children, history of sexual abuse)
- Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of cervical Precancer in Low-resource Settings
- Innovation for in sample collection for HPV related screening.
- Novel biomarkers for diagnosis, management and post treatment follow up for cervical precancers and cancers
- Novel biomarkers for diagnosis, management and post treatment follow up for anal precancers and cancers
- Novel biomarkers for diagnosis, management and post treatment follow up for oral precancers and cancers
- Novel biomarkers for diagnosis, management and post treatment follow up for other HPV associated precancers and cancers (penile, vulvar, vaginal)
- Novel excisional/ablative treatments for HPV associated disease
- Emerging Therapeutic Vaccines and antivirals for HPV associated disease – Clinical Aspects (development, efficacy and safety)
- Prophylactic Vaccines (clinical trial data, safety and efficacy)
- Rapid assays for the detection of HPV-Related Disease
- HPV NAAT screening quality control/assurance guidelines
- AI technology for diagnosis and management in HPV-associated disease
- Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (clinical aspects including diagnosis, clinical management)
- Vertical HPV transmission and obstetrical complications of cervical HPV infection and treatment of cervical precancer
- Psyco-social elements and cultural factors impacting HPV associated testing, diagnosis, management and treatment of women with HPV associated diseases
Public Health, Epidemiology and Implementation Science
- Cervical screening: Public health program and implementation aspects
- Prevention (primary and secondary) of HPV-related anal cancer
- Prevention (primary and secondary) of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer
- HPV vaccination: Effectiveness and impact
- HPV vaccination: Public health program and implementation aspects
- Health economics and mathematical modelling of HPV and HPV-related conditions
- AI and machine learning in HPV-related population health research
- Country/region specific reports of HPV vaccine and screening coverage
- Behavioral science and communications research related to HPV prevention (primary and secondary)
- Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis: epidemiology and prevention
- Implementation Science related to HPV infection and related disease prevention
- Primary results for clinical trials
- Other topics related to HPV infection and related disease prevention