Sustainability at IPVC 2024

Sustainability at IPVC 2024


IPVC 2024 is committed to integrating sustainable conference practices and initiatives that go beyond slogans and result in useful achievements.

We firmly believe that we all have a part to play in preserving our future for generations to come, both locally and across the globe. Therefore, we are organizing IPVC 2024 with sustainability in mind – for our planet and environment, as well as for everyone involved with the meeting: from the organizing team and committees, through our partner chain, all the way to the delegates we welcome.

IPVS is a keen advocate for sustainable development, and we’re delighted to announce that this year’s conference venue, the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), stands as a beacon of sustainability on the global stage. With a steadfast commitment to placing sustainability at the core of every event they host, EICC exemplifies excellence in eco-conscious practices.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, also called the Global Goals) are 17 goals with 169 targets that all UN Member States have agreed to work toward achieving by 2030. They set out a plan for a world without poverty, hunger, and disease. We at IPVC 2024, support and work towards the following goals:


How You Can Contribute as an IPVC 2024 Participant:

As individuals, as well as a community, each of us, can and should contribute towards maintaining the natural ecological balance in the environment and preserving the planet and its natural systems and resources. Here is what we invite you to do as part of IPVC 2024:

  • Offset your CO2 emissions and support a project with social value;
  • Benefit from the EICC’s partnership with ‘You Smart Thing,’ a platform that provides delegates with information on sustainable travel options and their carbon footprint via this link.
  • Use the mobile app (instead of printing) to inquire about the program details;
  • Use more sustainable ways of traveling to and around Edinburgh;
  • Reduce the waste you generate and separate disposal;
  • Opt for reusable mugs and bottles – we have provided water stations for you at the venue;

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

IPVC 2024 is not only an excellent forum for global scientific exchange but also a place where our participants can take care of their physical and mental wellbeing.

  • The HPV Awareness Program at IPVC 2024 is about promoting good health through preventing HPV-related disease. Our sessions offer insight to achieve better access for everyone to the tools available to prevent HPV-related cancer, vaccination and screening. We will explore how to reach underserved communities, improve the HPV-related communication of front-line healthcare providers, achieve better gender equity and inclusion in access to services, and look at the power of personal experience to influence action.
  • This year we are hosting a Zumba class to get the good vibes flowing by giving our delegates, the opportunity to strengthen the connection between body, mind, and spirit through music and exercise.
  • Take part of our Sunrise Run and get the good energy flowing by clearing your mind and moving your body.
  • We work with local catering services aiming to provide fresh, seasonal and locally sourced food.
  • Water stations around the venue giving participants constant access to water supplies and supporting reusable cups and bottles.

Ensure inclusive & equitable quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Supporting accessible high-quality education for our global community is a top priority. Throughout the organization of IPVC 2024, we strive to continuously improve the program, introduce more accessible conference alternatives, eliminate gender disparities in education, and ensure long-term education for our attendees.

  • High-Quality Program – Carefully crafted by the IPVC 2024 Scientific Committee team. We make sure to consistently innovate, educate, and deliver new knowledge, introduce new relevant topics, and invite the best international & local speakers.
  • New Relevant Topics – This year we are introducing the IPVS PACC designed for clinicians to add extra value to their conference experience.
  • HPV Awareness Program – Our HPV Awareness Program and outreach to the public through the IPVC 2024 legacy activities strive to engage local communities and raise awareness about HPV.
  • Early Career Researchers Program – A series of lectures designed with the early professionals in mind, giving them the opportunity to gain valuable tips and knowledge for their professional journey.

Promoting and supporting equal opportunities for all.

At IPVC 2024, we believe that quality education should be accessible for all. We are offering the following initiatives to support this goal:

  • Our speakers and moderators, as well as both oral & poster presenters have been selected to guarantee equal opportunities to a diversity of different career stages, geography, and genders.
  • Each delegate has the option to include a donation to delegates who need financial support. It is accessible through the registration portal.
  • We are providing registration and travel grants to participants from low and lower-middle income countries giving them the opportunity to access quality education and networking opportunities at IPVC 2024.
  • We are offering subsidized registration fees for early career professionals and for participants from low- and lower-middle income countries.
  • Our HPV Awareness Program aims to engage the local community

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts!

We are introducing several dedicated IPVC 2024 initiatives, aiming to promote a healthy lifestyle, while enjoying being together with the community. SDG 13 actually impacts all the 17 Sustainability Development Goals, our main goal is to improve education, awareness and human and institutional capacities relating to climate change, mitigation and early warning:

  • Minimize your use of paper. We encourage participants to actively use and interact with the Conference app. It will feature all important details for the conference and we encourage you to use it as the main source of information. Our aim is to limit printed promotional materials in favor of digital alternatives
  • No single plastic use at the event.
  • We are proud to be supporting the EICC’s innovative project to restore peatland in Caithness and Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands. The project aims to restore 250,000ha (2,500,0002m) of land in the Flow Country area over the next 25 years. Each delegate has an option to include a donation during their registration process.
  • We encourage you to actively participate in the Carbon Offsetting Program.
  • We are working with the local suppliers and catering, serving locally sourced, seasonal, and sustainably grown food.
  • We encourage our delegates to aim for sustainable travel and have made sure to offer accommodation and travel options that support walking and/or public transportation.
  • EICC’s local waste management partner provides 100% recycling, and NOTHING is sent to landfill. General waste is taken to a local facility where the majority is recycled. Anything that can’t be recycled is turned into energy. Food waste goes to a local facility and, using aerobic digestion, is turned into energy and biofertilizer. Waste oil from the kitchen is refined into Biodiesel. Glass waste is turned into aggregate or insulation wool.


As a participant at IPVC 2024, you have the choice to be part of the climate change by offsetting the CO2 emissions generated during your trip. By supporting a Clean CO2 project, you will also contribute to improve the social environment in the operating area.

How to carbon offset:

  1. Access the easy-to-use platform
  2. Enter your plans, including travel method and distance, meetings and accommodation
  3. Calculate your carbon emissions and receive offsetting suggestions
  4. Choose a carbon offsetting project and make a contribution – All projects are verified by one of Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Woodland Carbon Code or American Carbon Registry
  5. Receive your Thrust Carbon confirmation, certifying your carbon-neutral status
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